






网上泊车登记. You will be prompted to log in to your Drake account, then simply follow on-screen prompts to complete your registration.  (Online portal for Fall permits opens July 8, 2024)

请注意,在秋季或春季学期的增收期之后,停车证退款不可用, and lost permits are not replaced free of charge. 

You will be contacted with instructions on when/w在这里 you can receive your permit.  



所有希望在校园内停车的员工必须向公共安全部门登记车辆.  Upon completion of a vehicle registration,  employees receive a commuter permit.  员工许可证在周一至周五早上6点至下午4点30分在指定区域有效,在任何通勤地段从下午4点30分到凌晨2点,周六和周日全天有效.  The valid permit must be properly displayed from the rear view mirror facing outward.  没有正确展示有效许可证的车辆被视为未登记,并会被罚款及/或拖走.

因为停车场已经满了而非法停车, 其他车辆违规停放, or because the staff member may be late are not valid excuses.  除了居住生活的员工外,教职员工不能过夜停车.  If faculty or staff are traveling on official University business, 他们可能会从公共安全部门获得旅行许可证,允许他们把车停在第4或29号停车场过夜.


所有希望在校园内停车的学生必须向公共安全部门登记车辆.  完成泊车登记后:

  • Commuter students are eligible to receive a commuter permit
  • On-campus resident students are eligible to receive a resident permit

Eligible students may choose to purchase annual, spring semester, or summer permits.  The permit must be properly displayed from the rear view mirror facing outward.  没有正确展示有效许可证的车辆被视为未登记,并会被罚款及/或拖走.


教师, 拥有国家颁发的残疾人牌照或许可证的员工和学生车辆必须仍然持有有效的威尼斯人网上娱乐停车许可证才能在威尼斯人网上娱乐财产上停车.


这是学生的责任, 教职员工应确保访客和客人在抵达校园Eventbrite网站之前获得临时停车许可,或通过位于25号和卡彭特街(1A号地段)或大学和29号街(20号地段)的访客停车场的计费器付款。.  此规则的唯一例外是招生办的客人,他们从招生办获得临时停车证.

临时停车许可证也发给只会在校园内停留几天(最多两周)的车辆。.  Temporary permits are issued for the following:

  1. 天的游客:早上7点在学校.m. 还有5p.m.
  2. 周末宿舍访客:需要居留生活批准,有效期为夜间和周五下午5点开始.m. 到周日下午5点.m.
  3. 为期一周的宿舍停车证:只提供给住校学生.


通勤许可证:那些通勤到学校的人, 包括学生, may purchase a commuter permit for a particular zone, based on their parking and price preferences. High demand lots cost more, while low demand peripheral lots cost less. Commuter parking permits are limited to lots within the selected zone.

居民学生:  Valid 24 hours a day in all resident / overnight lots.

晚上许可证:  从下午4:30开始生效.m. 到2a.m. 周末在任何通勤停车场都可以.

访问or Permits (both Resident and Commuter available): can be purchased online with a debit or credit card (临时通行证) - metered parking is also available in visitor lots

Current Parking Permit Rates are listed in the registration portal.



Vehicles may only be parking in clearly designated legal parking spaces.  Areas posted with signs restricting parking (handicap, 服务车辆, 装货区, 消防车道, 等.)必须遵守及遵从.  在任何行车车道停车, 占用一个以上的停车位, 挡住另一辆车, 禁止在草坪上停车.  在校园所有禁止车辆停放的区域张贴告示既不可能也不可取.  具体来说,车辆禁止进入所有草坪,除非得到特别授权.  Driving or parking on any sidewalks or pedestrian ways is strictly prohibited.  Parking regulations are in effect throughout the year (all 365 days), 包括课程表上的休息时间.

Commuter lots are designated by signage and are available seven days a week from 6 a.m. 到2a.m.



标准停车罚款为25美元,但消防车道罚款为50美元,残疾停车位罚款为100美元.  T在这里 is an automatic charge of $100 if a vehicle is towed or booted. 


  1. Parked on Sidewalk: Vehicles parked on sidewalks are strictly prohibited.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (见下文).
  2. 残障车位:只有出示有效的国家颁发的残障牌照或许可证,并持有有效的威尼斯人网上娱乐停车许可证的车辆才能停在残障车位上.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owner’s expense.  (见下文).
  3. Fire Hydrant: Vehicles may not park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (见下文).
  4. 防火线, 巷道, Tow Zone: Vehicles may not park in any designated 消防车道, 行驶车道或拖车区.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (见下文).
  5. Restricted Space: Vehicles may not park in a reserved space between 6 a.m. 下午4:30.m., Monday – Friday (unless the space is marked reserved 24 hours).
  6. Vehicles Parked on the Lawn: Except for specifically approved events, 车辆不得停在草坪上.
  7. Unregistered Vehicle or Not a Valid Parking Permit. All vehicles on campus must be registered with the Department of 公共安全.  停放在校园内的车辆未在公共安全部门登记,未持有有效的停车许可证,可能会被拖走,费用由车主承担.  (见下文).
  8. 非合法停车位:车辆只能停在明确指定的合法停车位.  These violations include but are not limited to, 把车停在行车道上, 挡住另一辆车, 占用一个以上的停车位.
  9. 装载区:允许进入建筑物的装载区必须远离车辆, 尤其是在书店, 邮件中心和所有食堂.
  10. 警告罚单:车辆只能停放在明确指定的合法停车位,并持有有效的停车许可证.



Student Services Center, Olmsted Center, 2875 University Ave, 得梅因,IA 50311

Emailed invoices can also be sent so citations can be paid online.  If you want an emailed invoice, please send your citation or license plate number to studentservices@caer-cadarns.com, 我们会为您开具发票.

All vehicles towed are done so at the owners’ expense.  被拖走的车辆在从拖车公司取车之前需要威尼斯人网上娱乐公共安全的凭证.  Any vehicle eligible for towing in which the owner returns to the vehicle, 或者车辆在拖车公司到达之前被移动,将被征收罚单外加50美元的费用.  所有未付罚款必须全部付清.


要求, 公共安全部门将通过提供快速启动来帮助校园内有残疾车辆的驾车者,并在人员许可的情况下为那些把钥匙锁在车里的人提供帮助.  如果公共安全部门无法提供帮助, we will provide a local business that may assist at the owner’s expense.  Call the Department of 公共安全 at 515-271-2222.


Parking tickets may be appealed within 14 days of receipt (date of the ticket).  停车罚单申诉表格可在公共安全部门办公室或 在这里 必须完成.  A ticket history, listing any previous tickets is then attached to the appeal.  上诉将根据提出的事实和现有资料进行审查,并予以批准或拒绝.  以下情况通常不被接受为违反威尼斯人网上娱乐停车规定的有效减罪情况:


  • 你违规停车多久了. 公共安全官员将对违章停车的车辆开出停车罚单.  An appeal that states the vehicle was only parked for two minutes, five minutes, 等. 被认为无效.  A parking restriction holds for parking for any period of time.
  • Your need to get to class / work / an appointment on time. 在校园广泛的停车系统中找到一个停车位通常需要几分钟.  建议教师/工作人员计划他们的时间表,以便有足够的时间找到并在合法的空间停车.
  • 断言类不在会话中. Parking regulations are in effect throughout the entire calendar year (all 365 days), 包括课程表上的休息时间.
  • 你需要装载或卸载. 任何未获得公共安全部门事先授权并出示许可证的车辆都违反了停车规定.  Approval cannot be granted after the fact for loading / unloading.
  • The appellant’s assertion that he or she did not see the sign or line markings. It is the driver’s responsibility to note and comply with all posted signage, 注意事项及划线.
  • A guest / visitor stating that he or she was not aware of the parking regulations. 众所周知,那个教员, 员工和学生有责任为他们的客人取得有效的停车许可证,并应确保他们的客人合法停车.
  • The assertion that the customer forgot to register his or her vehicle. All vehicles must be registered with the Department of 公共安全.  不管你的车在学校的时间有多短,或者你正在等待新的车牌, your driver’s license or vehicle registration, 等.,可签发临时停车许可证.  Vehicles not properly displaying a valid permit are considered unregistered.
  • 车辆故障. 遇到车辆故障的客户应联系公共安全部门办公室寻求帮助.  公共安全 can assist with on-campus vehicle jump-starts and unlocks, or will assist with contacting a service garage for you.
  • 四路危险闪光灯的使用. 四向闪光灯是用来警告其他驾驶者你的车辆可能有危险.  Use of four-way flashers does not allow you to park illegally for any period.

Drake has three types of parking lots‌, designated by signage:

  • Commuter lots: Open seven days a week, 6 到2a.m.
  • 住宅用地:24/7开放
  • 访问or lots: Open seven days a week, 6 am - 2 am





    非紧急情况- 515-271-2222

     紧急情况- 911






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