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Major & Minor

The department offers a major and a minor in History. Both provide students with instruction in the skills of historical literacy.

The discipline of history lies at the core of a liberal education. Studying history enables students to investigate how the world came to be the way it is and develop the critical thinking skills necessary to challenge its assumptions. In history coursework, students examine change over time by analyzing the complex interplay of social, political, economic, cultural, and 
environmental forces that people both participate in and experience. They develop the ability to empathize with peoples from different time periods, world regions and cultures, and social positions as a way to understand the complexity of human motivations and historical contexts. In research and writing projects, history students practice interpreting sources critically, piecing together evidence, crafting compelling narratives, and explaining the significance of what they’ve discovered, all foundational skills to a range of careers and the pursuit of rewarding professional and personal lives.

Requirements for History Majors Declared in August 2023 or Thereafter

Students must take:

  • HIST 003 (Introducing History, 1 Credit)
  • HIST 100 (Doing History: The Historian’s Craft, 3 Credits)
  • HIST 196 or 197 (Research Capstone Seminar in European History, 3 Credits or Research Capstone Seminar in U.S. History, 3 Credits)
  • 2 Intro Courses (HIST 004 – 099)
  • 5 Advanced Courses (HIST 102 – 195)
  • 3 Electives of Any Level or for students pursuing the cross-disciplinary 28+9 track, 3 electives (9 credits) above the 100 level within their major

Total = 37 Hours

Requirements for History Majors Declared Before August 2023

Students must take:

  • Introductory Courses (12 credit hours)
  • Advanced Courses (6 credit hours)
  • Colloquia Courses (6 credit hours)
  • 12 Credit Hours in HIST at any level
  • Capstone Research Seminar

Total = 39 Hours

Requirements for History Minors Declared in August 2023 and Thereafter

Students must take:

  • 12 credits of Advanced-level History Courses (100-195)
  • 6 credits of History electives (any level)

Total = 18 hours

Requirements for History Minors Who Entered Before August 2023

Students must take:

  • 6 credits of Advanced-level courses (100-149)
  • 6 credits of Colloquia courses (150-190)
  • 9 credits of History electives

Total = 21 hours

Checklists for History Majors and Minors

History Major Checklist (students entering in August 2023 and thereafter)
History Major Checklist (students who entered before August 2023)
History Minor Checklist (students entering in August 2023 and thereafter)
History Minor Checklist (students who entered before August 2023)

History in the Drake Catalog

Current Catalog Requirements for History Major & Minor
Prior Catalog Requirements

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